“The Limits of my language mean the limits of my world”

— Ludwig Wittgenstein

Familiarize yourself with our studio and course offering by signing up for a complimentary drop-in class now. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus sollicitudin condimentum egestas.

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- Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercise Click here to join!

1 pm PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help participants improve their vocal abilities through a series of daily warm-ups and exercises. The daily warm-ups will focus on preparing the voice for more intense singing or speaking and will include various techniques to loosen the muscles and improve breath control. The vocal exercises will help to build strength, range, and dexterity in the voice, and will cover a variety of styles and techniques. The class will be led by an experienced instructor and will be suitable for all levels of vocal ability, from beginners to more advanced singers and speakers. Whether you're looking to improve your speaking voice, sing professionally, or simply want to maintain and develop your vocal skills, this class is the perfect place to start.

- Japanese Listening Comprehension Click here to join!

3 pm PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help students improve their listening comprehension skills in Japanese. Through a variety of listening activities and exercises, students will develop their ability to understand spoken Japanese in real-life situations. Topics covered will include everyday conversation, news broadcasts, radio programs, and more. In addition to improving listening comprehension, students will also develop their vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall knowledge of Japanese culture. The class will be led by a native Japanese speaker or a highly proficient non-native speaker and will be suitable for students of all levels of Japanese proficiency, from beginners to advanced. Whether you're a language learner, a traveler to Japan, or simply interested in improving your listening skills, this class will provide you with the tools and practice you need to succeed.

- Japanese Grammar Made Easy Click here to join!

5 pm PST- Weekly

This class is designed to help students understand and master the basics of Japanese grammar in a simple and effective manner. The class will cover the essential elements of Japanese grammar, including sentence structure, verb conjugation, and basic vocabulary, as well as more advanced topics such as adjectives, adverbs, and advanced sentence formation. The class will be taught through a combination of lectures, interactive exercises, and real-life examples, providing students with the opportunity to practice what they have learned in a practical context. The class will be suitable for students of all levels of Japanese proficiency, from beginners to those with some prior experience in the language. Whether you're a language learner, planning a trip to Japan, or simply interested in improving your grammatical understanding of Japanese, this class will provide you with the foundation you need to succeed.

- English Grammar Made Easy Click here to join!

6 pm PST- Weekly

This class is designed to help students understand and master the basics of English grammar in a simple and effective manner. The class will cover the essential elements of English grammar, including sentence structure, verb conjugation, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. The class will be taught through a combination of lectures, interactive exercises, and real-life examples, providing students with the opportunity to practice what they have learned in a practical context. The class will be suitable for students of all levels of English proficiency, from beginners to those with a solid understanding of the language. Whether you're a language learner, looking to improve your writing skills, or simply interested in refining your understanding of English grammar, this class will provide you with the foundation you need to succeed.


- Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercise Click here to join!

1 pm PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help participants improve their vocal abilities through a series of daily warm-ups and exercises. The daily warm-ups will focus on preparing the voice for more intense singing or speaking and will include various techniques to loosen the muscles and improve breath control. The vocal exercises will help to build strength, range, and dexterity in the voice, and will cover a variety of styles and techniques. The class will be led by an experienced instructor and will be suitable for all levels of vocal ability, from beginners to more advanced singers and speakers. Whether you're looking to improve your speaking voice, sing professionally, or simply want to maintain and develop your vocal skills, this class is the perfect place to start.

- Listening Comprehension (ESL) Click here to join!

5 pm PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help students improve their listening comprehension skills in English. Through a variety of listening activities and exercises, students will develop their ability to understand spoken English in real-life situations. Topics covered will include everyday conversation, news broadcasts, radio programs, and more. In addition to improving listening comprehension, students will also develop their vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall knowledge of the English language. The class will be suitable for students of all levels of English proficiency, from beginners to advanced. Whether you're a language learner, planning to study or work in an English-speaking country, or simply interested in improving your listening skills, this class will provide you with the tools and practice you need to succeed.

- Advanced English Grammar Click here to join!

6 pm PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help students master advanced concepts in English grammar in a simple and effective manner. The class will cover topics such as complex sentence structure, conditional sentences, reported speech, passive voice, and more. Through interactive exercises and real-life examples, students will gain a deep understanding of these advanced grammar concepts and learn how to use them accurately in their own writing and speech. The class will be led by a highly experienced teacher and will be suitable for students with a solid understanding of English grammar. Whether you're a language learner, looking to improve your writing skills, or simply interested in refining your understanding of advanced English grammar, this class will provide you with the tools and practice you need to succeed.


- Singing the Basics Click here to join!

1 pm PST - Weekly

This class, "Singing the Basics," focuses on helping students master the basic elements of singing, one step at a time. By breaking down the voice into individual components, students will be able to gain a deeper understanding of their own vocal instrument and develop their skills more efficiently. Throughout the class, students will work on one aspect of their voice at a time, including breath control, pitch accuracy, resonance, and more. The class will be taught through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, and individual and group exercises, giving students ample opportunities to practice and improve their singing skills. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior experience in singing, this class is perfect for anyone looking to focus on mastering their voice one step at a time.

- Spanish Grammar Made Easy Click here to join!

4 pm PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help students understand and master the basics of Spanish grammar in a simple and effective manner. The class will cover the essential elements of Spanish grammar, including verb conjugation, sentence structure, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. The class will be taught through a combination of lectures, interactive exercises, and real-life examples, providing students with the opportunity to practice what they have learned in a practical context. The class will be suitable for students of all levels of Spanish proficiency, from beginners to those with a solid understanding of the language. Whether you're a language learner, looking to improve your writing skills, or simply interested in refining your understanding of Spanish grammar, this class will provide you with the foundation you need to succeed.

- Inglés Para Principiantes (ESL) Click here to join!

6 pm PST - Weekly

Este curso está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender inglés desde cero. A través de una variedad de actividades interactivas y ejercicios prácticos, los estudiantes desarrollarán sus habilidades en inglés en áreas como la gramática, el vocabulario, la lectura y la conversación. El curso estará dirigido por un profesor altamente capacitado, quien brindará orientación y retroalimentación para ayudar a los estudiantes a mejorar sus habilidades. Este curso es adecuado para aquellos que no tienen ningún conocimiento previo de inglés o tienen un conocimiento limitado. Ya sea que seas un estudiante de idiomas, estés planificando un viaje a un país de habla inglesa o simplemente estés interesado en aprender inglés, este curso te brindará las herramientas y la práctica necesarias para tener éxito.


- Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercise Click here to join!

7am PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help participants improve their vocal abilities through a series of daily warm-ups and exercises. The daily warm-ups will focus on preparing the voice for more intense singing or speaking and will include various techniques to loosen the muscles and improve breath control. The vocal exercises will help to build strength, range, and dexterity in the voice, and will cover a variety of styles and techniques. The class will be led by an experienced instructor and will be suitable for all levels of vocal ability, from beginners to more advanced singers and speakers. Whether you're looking to improve your speaking voice, sing professionally, or simply want to maintain and develop your vocal skills, this class is the perfect place to start.

- Spanish Listening Comprehension Click here to join!

11 am PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help students improve their Spanish listening comprehension skills. The class will provide students with the opportunity to practice listening to native Spanish speakers and understand spoken Spanish in a variety of real-life situations. Through a range of activities and exercises, students will develop their listening skills and build their confidence in understanding and communicating in Spanish. The class will give guidance on vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, and will help students identify areas for improvement. Whether you're a student, a traveler, or simply looking to improve your Spanish language skills, this class is suitable for students of all levels, from beginner to intermediate. Whether you're looking to build your confidence in speaking Spanish, expand your vocabulary, or simply brush up on your skills, this class will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to succeed.


- Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercise Click here to join!

7 am PST - Weekly

This class is designed to help participants improve their vocal abilities through a series of daily warm-ups and exercises. The daily warm-ups will focus on preparing the voice for more intense singing or speaking and will include various techniques to loosen the muscles and improve breath control. The vocal exercises will help to build strength, range, and dexterity in the voice, and will cover a variety of styles and techniques. The class will be led by an experienced instructor and will be suitable for all levels of vocal ability, from beginners to more advanced singers and speakers. Whether you're looking to improve your speaking voice, sing professionally, or simply want to maintain and develop your vocal skills, this class is the perfect place to start.